Retrospective 2009 - Reception for Honorary Guests at the City Hall


Lord Mayor Boris Palmer invited the honorary guests of the filmfestival to a small reception at the dignified ancient city hall of Tuebingen (from left: Boris Palmer, Hana Makhmalbaf, Leymah Gbowee, Irene Jung)


He explained the significance of the medieval pictures of the former assembly hall of the Tuebigen court...

  ... that evoked a response from the guest from Africa. Leymah Gbowee picked up the popular motives from the Bible... an indication of their importance for present-day politics, be it on the level of world politics or communal administration and the office of a Lord Mayor. She spoke from own personal experience, since she was the one that - based about common religious-ethical values - brought together women of Christan and Muslim backgrounds to get involved in world politics, even though this fact was not appropiately recognized by the wolrd media.
  Afterwards there was still time for Boris Palmer to show to young Iranian film-maker Hana Makhmalbaf the city hall attic which hosts the famous astronomical clock: it is one of only three clocks worldwide that for more than 500 years shows in conspicuous detail the solar and lunar eclipses.
  Hana was fascinated, since she had heard a lot about the admirable clock from her sister Samira, who visited Womens Worlds 2008.


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Fotos: Alexander Gonschior - Webdesign, Fotografie - Tübingen -