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Gerhard Schönborn

Gerhard Schönborn is chairman of the association Neustart e.V., which he co-founded in 2007, (,which runs a contact café for prostitutes on the Kurfürstenstraße street in Berlin and an exit apartment for them in Neukölln. Schönborn is also a co-founder and board member of. Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel e.V. (, an alliance of around 30 associations and initiatives involved in outreach work, shelters, prevention and public relations. He is the responsible editor of the magazine of the same name “Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel” and is involved, among other things, with the Bündnis Nordisches Modell (www.bü

Gerhard Schönborn participates as expert in the Q&A after the film PRINCESS on Sun, 29.10.