Opening ceremony on Oct. 23 with the Egyptian documentary THE BRINK OF DREAMS
On October 23, the 24th Women’s Worlds Film Festival will kick off at the KulturBrauerei cinema with the Egyptian documentary The Brink of Dreams by Nada Riyadh and Ayman El Amir. Set in a remote village in southern Egypt, the film follows a group of girls who challenge traditional gender roles by creating an all-female street theatre group. Through their performances, they explore themes of patriarchy, early marriage, and self-determination. But in a conservative society, how can self-determination truly be achieved?
The 24th FrauenWelten film festival will take place this year from 23.10-29.10.2024 at the Kinoin der KulturBrauerei Berlin. This year’s programme will once again feature more than 25 international films on the topic of women’s rights. The film programme will be accompanied by talks with experts and directors.