
Bayan Layla

Bayan Layla, born and raised in Syria, has performed at the Volksbühne Berlin in Iphigenie and with the collective Ma'loube in Days in the Sun and OVERDOSE: the Show of Pain and Joy at the Theater...

Carola Mair

Carola Mair studied acting in Vienna and intercultural journalism at the University of Salzburg. She has been working as a television journalist for over five and twenty years.

Clément Drabo

Clément Drabo from Burkina Faso works in the field of biotechnology, is committed to women's rights and against all forms of violence against women, and wants to put an end to the tradition of FGM_C and EFM.

Dr. Doris Felbinger

Since 2016, Dr Doris Felbinger has been the managing director of BIG e.V. - Berliner Initiative gegen Gewalt an Frauen.

Gerhard Schönborn

Gerhard Schönborn is chairman of the association Neustart e.V., which he co-founded in 2007, (,which…

Helke Sander

Helke Sander directed from 1962, first in Finland. After returning to her hometown of Berlin…

Katja Baumgarten

Katja Baumgarten worked as a midwife for 30 years. She studied art in Hanover and artistic film at the University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig.

Luca Lehmann

Dipl.-Pädagogin Luca Lehmann studied religious education at the Fachschule für kirchl. Gemeindedienst and social and…

Maria Binder

Maria Binder studied sociology, psychology and politics at the Free University of Berlin and video…

Milena Aboyan

Milena Aboyan was born in Yerevan, Armenia. In 2010, she began a four-year acting training in Germany. During...